After a hot and dusty mountain bike ride, founder John Anderson and his friend wanted to change clothes before driving home. His friend dropped his shorts alongside the road as a family drove by; that's NOT what a carload of children needed to see!

Meeting a basic need to live an active life, the KEMELIEN poncho was created for anyone who has struggled to change clothes between car doors, cramped in a hot vehicle, standing barefoot in a filthy restroom, or wrapped in a towel.

The original KEMELIEN Poncho

KEMELIEN Changing Poncho

  • Caroline, Student Athlete

    "The poncho is super easy to use. I've got to get one for cross country meets. I'm tired of changing in port-a-pots!"

  • Todd, CFO and Outdoor Enthusiast

    "There is such a need for this product. I'm excited for it to hit the market!"

  • Jessica, Soccer Mom

    "As a Mom constantly on the run with three busy boys, it's nice to be able to do a quick change of clothes between activities and not have to worry about finding facilities."